Positive & Negative Space + Contour Drawings

When you look at a drawing, there are two types of space known as positive space and negative space which together occupy the total drawing space. Positive space is the area of the drawing that contains the illustrated subject while negative space is the remaining area surrounding the subject. These two spaces fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Where the pieces meet, what's known as contour lines exist. Contour lines can outline a complete object as well as its individual parts.

Positive Space

Negative Space

Contour Lines

Exercise: Drawing Negative Space

In this exercise using a simple table we will focus very hard on the negative spaces and try to block out the positive spaces for the time being. This exercise is designed to further help your creative mind counteract your logical mind. Once again, remember to focus in on the lines and shapes you see and where each is positioned relative to the other. As you draw each negative space, shade it in lightly so that the subject will jump out at you more clearly when finished.

This exercise also illustrates that one can approach a drawing in one of two ways. One can establish contour lines by following the shapes inherent within the positive space OR one can draw the shapes that are created by the space surrounding the subject (negative space). Either way, the opposite space (positive or negative) falls into place and the contour lines that are created define the object. What is more, by using the shapes and sizes of both positive and negative spaces as reference points, we can replicate the position of lines and shapes in a drawing more accurately and proportionately. Proportion is the size of one element relative to another.

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