Drawing Eyes

Eyes are a very important facial feature as they express a great deal about the subject, from gender, age, and ethnicity to their emotional state. The eye is comprised of an eyeball which rests in a socket bordered by the orb (circular bone). This is important to remember since there is a tendency to place almond-shaped eyes on top of the skin without conveying their true form and placement within the face. The upper ridge of the orb forms the brow which extends further out than the lower ridge. This is conveyed with shading. Other components of the eye include upper and lower eyelids, tear duct (small triangular shape - inside corner of eye), iris (the colored circular section of th eyeball), pupil (darkest circular shape within the iris), and blood vessels (thin, squiggly lines on the whites of the eye).

Below are step-by-step illustrations for drawing an eye.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

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