Drawing Tools: Erasers

In this lesson, we will experiment with erasers as drawing tools, creating light values on a dark surface. This technique can be easier for beginners than rendering the full scale of values on a light surface.

Step 1: use the side of a charcoal stick to create dark drawing space. Do not apply too much pressure or the graphite will grind itself into the paper and will not erase properly.
Step 2: Draw outline of glass with a vinyl eraser for precision.
Step 3: Pull varying tones from charcoal using both the vinyl eraser (for contrasting tones) and kneaded eraser (for subtle tones).
Step 4: Refine overall form and enhance the presence of the glass by adding charcoal to exterior.

Creating Volume with Accents

Although one cannot replace the value of gradated shading, a white accent can effectively enhance contrast and thus the appearance of volume. An accent is the addition of a tone brighter than the paper and the other media used. White chalk for instance when combined with other tones on a colored background can provide the drawing with a much broader palette. Accents can be in the form of lines, or by dragging the chalk over a given area to give it a greater general brightness. For more precise accents, use a white colored pencil instead of traditional chalk or pastel. Alternatively, one can sharpen a piece of white chalk with an exacto knife.

Chiaroscuro Effects

Chiaroscuro effects create the most contrast and the greatest sense of volume by using an intense light source to create brightly lit areas on a subject coupled with areas of complete darkness that blend into the background. Chiaroscuro effects are valuable for creating a more intense, dramatic and expressive quality to a composition. Keep in mind that the greater contrast created between light and shadow requires that a greater number of intermediate values be included in the composition as well, in order for the forms to maintain a continuous surface. Creating chiaroscuro effects will require advanced shading skills. The following photos would require chiaroscuro effects to render accurately.

Learning from mistakes

Don't be afraid to try different shading techniques. Some will fail but you will inevitably learn from them, even if it's simply to not employ those techniques for those particular subjects again. Be sure to keep all your sketches. They will continue to act as motivators, building your confidence and reminding you of how far you've come in your drawing abilities.

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Drawing technique: Mapping
Drawing texture
Rendering form with different mediums
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Drawing tools: Erasers